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Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Kingswoodz location?Jalan Jalil Perkasa 1 (Behind AFC)
What size of Kingwoodz Layout?474 sqft - 904 sqft
Kingswoodz Price List?From Gross Price RM422,500 to RM830,000
Kingswoodz floor Plan ?Kindly Contact our Project Representative for info.
Kingswoodz is freehold or Leasehold?Leasehold 99 years
Where’s kingswoodz
Where’s Kingswoodz sales
Kingswoodz lowest price ?start from RM422,500 onwards
Kingswoodz how many bedroom ?1 to 3 bedrooms
Kingswoodz sold out many unit?Kindly Contact our Project Representative for info.
Kingswoodz selling point?Lowest price in Bukit Jalil Partially Premier Furnished walking distance to Matured Shoplots walking distance to LRT station walking distance to Pavilion Bukit Jalil walking distance to Recreation Park
Kingswoodz Landsize ?3.45 acres
How far Kingswoodz to LRT station ?600 meter with Proposed Cover Walkway
How far Kingswoodz to pavilion bukit jalil ?8mins walking distance
Kingswoodz suitable for ownstay ?Yes
Kingswoodz completion date ?Estimate 2028
Kingswoodz maintenance fee how much ?RM0.42. (Including sinking fund)
What is Exsim Latest Project?The latest project is Kingwoodz coming soon is nearby KLCC. next time sungai wang opposite avenue K
How Many Tower of kingswoodz?Total 3 Tower
What is the density of Kingswoodz?Tower A : 460 units Tower B : 506 units Tower C : 592 units
How many units of kingswoodz?1500 units 500 per block 250 per wings
Is kingswoodz Residential or Commercial?HDA under Commercial (Residential)
Is kingswoodz Petfriendly?No
What is the rebate of kingswoodz?Kindly Contact our Project Representative for info.
What are the furnishing for Kingswoodz?kitchen top & bottom Hod & Hoobs Mircrowave with Grille bathroom accessories Water Storage Heater air conditioner 2hp Built in Wardrobe
Who is developer of Kingswoodz?EXSIM
What is hidden fee of buying Kingswoodz?Only MOT buyer has to pay
How much booking fee for kingswoodz?Only RM500
Kingswoodz worth to invest?Based on the market research, Average Rental for similar Properties are RM1600-2400 for 1 Room, RM2200-3300 for 2 Room, RM2600-3800 for 3 Room
Kingswoodz good for ownstay?Yes
What is the highest floor of Kingswoodz?Level 46 include carparks level
How many lifts of Kingswoodz4+1 Lifts
How many car parks for kingswoodz?1 car park to 3 car parks
How many tier of kingswoodz’s security?Multi Tier
What is the ceiling height of Kingswoodz?9.5 to 10 ft
Price Per SF of Kingswoodz?Gross price psf RM752
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